Liquid Markets

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About Liquid, about .lacma, and about the cheapest promos in history. Liquid have run an AI asset allocation machine for 4years with 20 months fund track record. The fund is powered by the good trades made by our best house accounts, The AI decides who to copy and when based upon what it knows about each traders behaviour as well as over 40,000 real trader datasets over the past 4 years. High net worth investors crowd fund our Nitro house accounts in return for exclusive account management entirely run by .lacma.

We are therefore committed to providing real accounts with the best facilities such as zero spread to good traders who will trade thru our .lacma every month make or lose. This is why we are the only prop firm to offer real monthly subscription.

Yet we understand the appeal of the demo challenge and the lure of easy money. Therefore we provide the cheapest challenge with the parameters designed to filter good and not lucky traders. This is why our 100k challenge is so cheap and why it remains the safest bet for the trader ready to turn the corner. Other firms handle real account for winners in a different manner, MFF set the standard. At Liquid we provide real accounts, as real as any broker account you would fund yourself, from day 1, we offset the inevitable losses of course with our tech, yet our investors do not take demos seriously, so we are obliged to test traders in real conditions and to retain them long enough for the machine to find benefit.

Our demo challenges have data proven nurturing parameters, we do not relax restrictions just to get more fees. our restrictions mean that every winner receives a real account with our investment of at least the maximum drawdown amount. Of course we dynamically allocate our hard cash funding amongst our house accounts, yet our infrequent monthly losses are real. The main point is that should you win our challenge you are guaranteed a real account with at least the required margin % for the permitted account drawdown amount in cash.

We do not provide demos with easy parameters and then tell winners we will copy their demo to some real account. Real accounts are what we do from day 1. This is why we have professional parameters for our Nitro account which every Liquid winner or promoted trader has received for 5 years.

Therefore we encourage you to buy the 100 challenge during this promo period. A firm that pay you from the fees it receives will not be able to offer a 100k challenge for $180 as it wouldn’t be able to complete payouts. Our payouts come from the market, we are on your side! Buy now!!

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